Source code for rawgpy.rawg

"""The main rawg class
import requests
import json
from . import base
from . import game
from . import user
from . import collection
from .data_classes import *
from collections import defaultdict
from . import utils

[docs]class RAWG(metaclass=utils.Singleton): """main RAWG class the main class used for interactions with the database """ def __init__(self, user_agent): """init for RAWG class :param user_agent: any string to be used as a user agent, should be unique to your project for bandwith monitoring purposes. should include some way of contacting you :type user_agent: str """ self.user_agent = user_agent self.token = "" self.headers = { 'User-Agent': self.user_agent } self._all_games = defaultdict(lambda: False) self._all_users = defaultdict(lambda: False) self._all_collections = defaultdict(lambda: False) base.FromJSONobject._rawg = self
[docs] def get_request(self, url) -> dict: """Sends a GET request :param url: the url it sends a request to, :type url: str :return: json-like list / dict structure of the returned json :rtype: dict """ response = requests.get( url, headers=self.headers) return response.json()
[docs] def post_request(self, url, data) -> dict: """Sends a POST request :param url: The POST url :type url: str :param data: The POST data :type data: dict """ response = url, headers=self.headers, json=data) return response.json()
[docs] def patch_request(self, url, data) -> dict: """Sends a PATCH request :param url: The PATCH url :type url: str :param data: The PATCH data :type data: dict :return: The response json :rtype: dict """ response = requests.patch( url, headers=self.headers, data=data) return response.json()
[docs] def pagination_generator(self, url, results_name="results", next_name="next") -> dict: """Generator for pagination based urls, reads the value of `next_name` from the json to get the url for the next request uses :attr:`~rawgpy.RAWG.get_request` :param url: the url, needs to return some kind of next url value :type url: str :param results_name: the json key used to return the result, defaults to "results" :type results_name: str, optional :param next_name: the key used to get the next url, defaults to "next" :type next_name: str, optional :return: the paginated objects json :rtype: dict """ json = self.get_request(url) while True: results = json.get(results_name, {}) for res in results: yield res if not json.get(next_name): return json = self.get_request(json.get(next_name))
[docs] def search_request(self, query, num_results=5, additional_param="") -> dict: """uses the :attr:`~rawgpy.RAWG.get_request` method to search for a game :param query: the name of the game that should be searched for :type query: str :param num_results: the amount of results the search should return :type num_results: int :param additional_param: any additional search parameter, like `&sorting=-_score` to sort the games by relevance, excluding popularity :return: json-like list / dict structure of the returned json :rtype: dict """ url = "{number}&search={query}".format( number=num_results, query=query) return self.get_request(url)
[docs] def game_request(self, slug, additional_param="") -> dict: """uses the :attr:`~rawgpy.RAWG.get_request` method to get a specific games json :param slug: the slug of the game that shoudl be returned, needs to be correct rawg slug :type slug: str :param additional_param: any additional request parameter :return: json-like list / dict structure of the returned json :rtype: dict """ url = "{slug}".format(slug=slug) return self.get_request(url)
[docs] def search(self, query, num_results=5, additional_param="") -> game.Game: """searches for games :param query: the search query :type query: str :param num_results: the amount of results, defaults to 5 :type num_results: int, optional :param additional_param: additional get parameters, defaults to "" :type additional_param: str, optional """ search_res = self.search_request(query, num_results, additional_param) results = [game.Game(j) for j in search_res.get("results", {})] return results
[docs] def get_game(self, slug) -> game.Game: """get a specific game :param slug: the slug of the game :type slug: str :return: the game object :rtype: """ return game.Game(self.game_request(slug))
[docs] def user_request(self, slug) -> dict: """Returns a user json :param slug: the users slug :type slug: str :return: the users json :rtype: dict """ return self.get_request("{slug}".format(slug=slug))
[docs] def get_user(self, slug) -> user.User: """gets a user :class:`~rawgpy.user.User` :param slug: the userslug :type slug: str :return: user json :rtype: dict :return: generator of the collections json :rtype: ~rawgpy.user.User """ return user.User(self.user_request(slug))
[docs] def login(self, email, password): """Logs the user in, autheticating all subsequent requests with that user :param email: The users email :type email: str :param password: The users password :type password: str """ response = self.post_request( "", {"email": email, "password": password}) if response.get("non_field_errors"): raise ValueError(response.get("non_field_errors")) if response.get("email"): raise ValueError(response.get("email")) if response.get("password"): raise ValueError(response.get("password")) try: self.token = response.get("key") self.headers["token"] = "Token " + self.token except KeyError: raise ValueError(response)
[docs] def user_games(self, slug, status=None): """generator that yields the users games json :param slug: the users slug :type slug: str :param status: the status of the game in the users library, can be `playing`, `owned`, `beaten`, `dropped`, `toplay`, `yet` defaults to "playing" :type status: str, optional :return: generator of the games json :rtype: ~rawgpy.RAWG.pagination_generator """ if not status: return self.pagination_generator("{}/games".format(slug)) else: return self.pagination_generator("{}/games?statuses={}".format(slug, status))
[docs] def game_suggestions(self, slug): """generator that yields the suggested games for a game :param slug: the game slug :type slug: str :return: generator of the games json :rtype: ~rawgpy.RAWG.pagination_generator """ return self.pagination_generator("{}/suggested".format(slug))
[docs] def review_data(game_id: int, level, reactions=None, add_to_library=False, text="", post_twitter=False, post_facebook=False) -> dict: """creates the data for review operations :param game_id: the int id of the game :type game_id: int :param level: 1 = skip, 3 = meh, 4 = Recommended, 5 = Exceptional :type level: int :param reactions: List of the reactions to add, defaults to None :type reactions: List[int], optional :param add_to_library: whether the game whouls be added to the authenticated users library, defaults to False :type add_to_library: bool, optional :param text: the review text, uses html formats like <br>, defaults to "" :type text: str, optional :param post_twitter: whether to post on twitter, defaults to False :type post_twitter: bool, optional :param post_facebook: whether to post on facebook, defaults to False :type post_facebook: bool, optional :return: The data that has been made :rtype: dict """ data = {"game": game_id, "rating": 5, "post_facebook": post_facebook, "post_twitter": post_twitter, "add_to_library": add_to_library} if len(text) > 0: data["text"] = text if isinstance(reactions, list): data["reactions"] = reactions return data
[docs] def review_game(self, game_id: int, level, reactions=None, add_to_library=False, text="", post_twitter=False, post_facebook=False): """Adds a review to a game :param game_id: the int id of the game :type game_id: int :param level: 1 = skip, 3 = meh, 4 = Recommended, 5 = Exceptional :type level: int :param reactions: List of the reactions to add, defaults to None :type reactions: List[int], optional :param add_to_library: whether the game whouls be added to the authenticated users library, defaults to False :type add_to_library: bool, optional :param text: the review text, uses html formats like <br>, defaults to "" :type text: str, optional :param post_twitter: whether to post on twitter, defaults to False :type post_twitter: bool, optional :param post_facebook: whether to post on facebook, defaults to False :type post_facebook: bool, optional """ self.post_request("", self.review_data(level, reactions=reactions, add_to_library=add_to_library, text=text, post_twitter=post_twitter, post_facebook=post_facebook))
[docs] def game_collections(self, game_slug): """Retrieve the collections a game is a part of :param game_slug: the slug of the game :type game_slug: str. :return: generator of the collections json :rtype: ~rawgpy.RAWG.pagination_generator """ return self.pagination_generator( "{}/collections".format(game_slug))
[docs] def collection_games(self, slug): """generator that yields the collections games json :param slug: the slug of the collection :type slug: str :return: generator of the games json :rtype: ~rawgpy.RAWG.pagination_generator """ return self.pagination_generator( "{}/feed".format(slug))
[docs] def collection_request(self, slug) -> dict: """Returns the collection json :param slug: the collection slug :type slug: str :return: The collection json :rtype: dict """ return self.get_request("{}".format(slug))
[docs] def get_collection(self, slug) -> collection.Collection: """Returns the collection object :param slug: the collection slug :type slug: str :return: The collection object :rtype: ~rawgpy.collection.Collection """ collection.Collection(self.collection_request(slug))
[docs] def current_user_request(self) -> dict: """Returns the currently authenticated user json :return: Json of the authenticated user :rtype: dict """ json = self.get_request("") if json.get("detail", "").startswith("Authentication credentials"): raise AttributeError(json["detail"]) return json
[docs] def current_user(self) -> user.User: """Returns the currently authenticated user :return: The currently authenticated user :rtype: ~rawgpy.user.User """ return user.User(self.current_user_request())
[docs] def patch_game(self, slug, data): """Patch (edit) a game :param slug: The games slug :type slug: str :param data: The edited data :type data: dict :return: The response json :rtype: dict """ return self.patch_request("{}".format(slug), data)
[docs] def create_collection(self, name, description) -> collection.Collection: """creates a new collection :param name: Name of the collection :type name: str :param description: Description of the collection :type description: str :return: Collection object of created collection :rtype: ~rawgpy.collection.Collection """ if len(name) > 50: raise ValueError("name has a character limit of 50") if len(description) > 512: raise ValueError("description has a character limit of 512") data = { "name": name, "description": description } return collection.Collection(self.post_request("", data))