Source code for

"""The class representing a game
from .data_classes import *
from .data_classes import store
from .data_classes import id_name_slug
from .data_classes import platform_
from .data_classes import rating
from .data_classes import store
from . import collection
from . import rawg
from . import user
from . import base
import typing

[docs]class Game(base.FromJSONobject): """The class representing a Game """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): r = rawg.RAWG() # get the rawg, this works cause it's a singelton slug = args[0]["slug"] # get the slug of the instance from pure json if not r._all_games[slug]: # check if rawg DOESN'T know a instance with this slug r._all_games[slug] = super(Game, cls).__new__( cls) # add the new instance to rawg return r._all_games[slug] # return the instance with this id from rawg def __init__(self, json): super().__init__(json) # initialize parent object (FromJSONobject) self._collections = None self._reactions = None self._genrecharts = None self._yearcharts = None self._charts = None self._platforms = None self._stores = None self._developers = None self._categories = None self._genres = None self._tags = None self._publishers = None self._esrb = None @property def reactions(self): """The reactions to the game, a list of dictionaries with reaction id as key and amount as value""" if not self._reactions: self._reactions = [ {r: num} for r, num in self.json.get("reactions", {}).items() ] return self._reactions @property def _genrechart(self): """the top genre chart for the game, of class :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.charts.GenreChart` This shows in what Genre the game is largest """ if not self._genrecharts: self._genrecharts = charts.GenreChart( self.json.get("charts", {}).get("genre", {}).get("name", ""), self.json.get("charts", {}).get( "genre", {}).get("position", ""), self.json.get("charts", {}).get("genre", {}).get("change", "")) return self._genrecharts @property def _yearchart(self): """The chart place for the game in its release year, of class :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.charts.YearChart` """ if not self._yearcharts: self._yearcharts = charts.YearChart( self.json.get("charts", {}).get("year", {}).get("year", ""), self.json.get("charts", {}).get( "year", {}).get("position", ""), self.json.get("charts", {}).get("year", {}).get("change", "")) return self._yearcharts @property def charts(self): """The charts for this game, simply a tuple of :attr:`_genrechart` and :attr:`_yearchart` The GenreChart shows what genre this game is most popular in The YearChart shows the popularity of the game in its release year """ if not self._charts: self._charts = ( self._genrechart, self._yearchart ) return self._charts @property def platforms(self): """The platforms the game is availiable on, list of instances of :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.platform_.Platform` """ if not self._platforms: self._platforms = [ platform_.Platform( p.get("platform", {}).get("id", ""), p.get("platform", {}).get("name", ""), p.get("platform", {}).get("slug", ""), p.get("platform", {}).get("image", ""), p.get("platform", {}).get("year_end", ""), p.get("platform", {}).get("year_start", ""), p.get("platform", {}).get("games_count", ""), p.get("released_at", ""), p.get("requirements", {}).get("minimum", ""), p.get("requirements", {}).get("maximum", "") ) for p in self.json.get("platforms", []) ] return self._platforms @property def stores(self): """The stores the game is avaliable on, list of instances of :class:`` """ if not self._stores: self._stores = [ store.Store( s.get("id", ""), s.get("url", ""), s.get("store", {}).get("id", ""), s.get("store", {}).get("name", ""), s.get("store", {}).get("slug", ""), s.get("store", {}).get("domain", "") ) for s in self.json.get("stores", []) ] return self._stores @property def developers(self): """The developers that worked on this game, list of instances of :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.id_name_slug.Developer` """ if not self._developers: self._developers = [ id_name_slug.Developer( d.get("id", ""), d.get("name", ""), d.get("slug", ""), d.get("games_count", "") ) for d in self.json.get("developers", []) ] return self._developers @property def categories(self): """The categories that apply to this game, list of instances of :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.id_name_slug.Category` """ if not self._categories: self._categories = [ id_name_slug.Category( d.get("id", ""), d.get("name", ""), d.get("slug", ""), d.get("games_count", "") ) for d in self.json.get("categories", []) ] return @property def genres(self): """The genres this game falls under, of class :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.id_name_slug.Genre` """ if not self._genres: self._genres = [ id_name_slug.Genre( d.get("id", ""), d.get("name", ""), d.get("slug", ""), d.get("games_count", "") ) for d in self.json.get("genres", []) ] return self._genres @property def tags(self): """The tags this game is tagged with, of class :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.id_name_slug.Tag` """ if not self._tags: self._tags = [ id_name_slug.Tag( d.get("id", ""), d.get("name", ""), d.get("slug", ""), d.get("games_count", "") ) for d in self.json.get("tags", []) ] return self._tags @property def publishers(self): """The publishers this game was published by, of class :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.id_name_slug.Publisher` """ if not self._publishers: self._publishers = [ id_name_slug.Publisher( d.get("id", ""), d.get("name", ""), d.get("slug", ""), d.get("games_count", "") ) for d in self.json.get("publishers", []) ] return self._publishers @property def esrb(self): """The ESRB rating this game got, of class :class:`~rawgpy.data_classes.rating.ESRB` """ if not self._esrb: self._esrb = rating.ESRB( self.json.get("esrb_rating", {}).get("id", ""), self.json.get("esrb_rating", {}).get("name", ""), self.json.get("esrb_rating", {}).get("slug", "") ) return self._esrb
[docs] def populate(self): """Populates the game by re-requesting the data """ json = self.rawg.game_request(self.slug) self.__init__(json) return True
[docs] def review(self, text: str, level: str, reaction=None): """Adds a review to the game, only works if user is authenticated :param text: the review text, empty for none :type text: str :param level: the name of the rating, as shown on the website :type level: str :param reaction: a list of reactions, defaults to None :type reaction: List[int], optional """ level_strs = { "skip": 1, "meh": 3, "recommended": 4, "exceptional": 5 } self.rawg.review_game(, level_strs[level_str.lower()], reactions=None, add_to_library=False, text=text)
@property def collections(self): """Returns a list of unpopulated :class:`~rawgpy.collections.Collection` objects that this game is part of. """ if self._collections: return self._collections gen = self.rawg.game_collections(self.slug) all_collections = list(gen) self._collections = [collection.Collection( json) for json in all_collections] return self._collections @property def suggestions(self): """Generator that returns :class:`` instances of suggestions made by the rawg Neural Network modell """ for suggestion in self.rawg.game_suggestions(self.slug): yield Game(suggestion)
[docs] def edit(self): """Sends all edited base variables to rawg """ data = { "name":, "description": self.description, "alternative_names": self.alternative_names, "platforms": [ for p in self.platforms], "genres": [ for g in self.genres], "publishers": [ for p in self.publishers], "developers": [ for d in self.developers], "website":, "reddit_url": self.reddit_url, "tba": self.tba, "released": self.released, "metacritic_url": self.metacritic_url } return self.rawg.patch_game(self.slug, data)
[docs] def collect(self, collection: collection.Collection): """Adds this game to the provided collection :param collection: the collection object this game should be added to :type collection: :class:`~rawgpy.collection.Collection` """ collection.add(self)